On Saturday, September 27th was the National Book Festival on the National Mall. Ashley and I went to see what new books we could purchase, but to no avail we left empty handed. No, we didn't leave empty handed because we had no idea, but rather because the books were too few to select from. It was depressing to see that the Library of Congress (LOC) had only provided one tent of books, more like half a tent. The majority of the books for sale didn't interest any of us and not to mention the enormous line one had to wait in to pay for them. In all the day didn't go to waste because we did a Starbucks tea pit stop then resumed on our way over to Staples to purchase overpriced school supplies. A semi decent day, except for the fact that I was suffering a terrible virus invasion on my system. It wasn't the flu nor a cold, but the doctor said a virus had attacked my body, or so at least it felt that way. It ravaged my body and made
However, today (September 30th, or October 1st depending on where you live) I feel much better. Still tired and sleepy, but better. After spending Friday and Saturday and most of Sunday in bed asleep and miserable my body seems to have recovered and pretty much destroyed the virus that plundered my feeble body.
The only upside to have gone to the very disappointing National Book Festival was a cool poster and tote bag, of course they were free. : )
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