Monday, September 15, 2008


After much thought on my fall classes I've come to realize a few things.
1. My portuguese professor is scatterbrained and doesn't know how to organize the class. Organization is such an important aspect of a language course. I really don't even care if she is a native speaker, not much help when half of the time I'm lost.

2. Latin American Short Story is actually pretty interesting and the graduate student teaching it ACTUALLY knows what she's doing. Pretty laid back, just read about 6 short stories a week and discuss. No final, just a final paper 5pages long. 

3. Survery Literature II: Century 19th & 20th, now this course is rather dull and mind numbing. Just like a course I took back in Salamanca this past school year. She doesn't tell me anything new and neither do the critics that we read in that class. Upside: I've read 90% of the assigned readings, downside: stuck in a class with people who can barely speak Spanish, much less comprehend it. 

{Oh yeah, so far these three are requirements for me to graduate and receive my degree.}

4. International Relations (IR) the professor is a hottie and makes class very pleasant and makes you want to be there. Might have something to do with the fact that he's a hottie. : ) Material is interesting, I'm really enjoying IR.

5. Comparative Political Systems (CPS) Professor King is a good professor, can be a cynic at times, but nonetheless he knows his material really well. Class is about 200 students in a huge lecture hall, mind you that is one of two big lecture halls on campus. Discussion section is okay, just kinda crowded. My TA is from Peru which is really cool to have an outsiders perspective on US & world politics.

6. Introduction to Spanish Linguistics is RATHER BORING! Now this class I'm forced to sit through 3.5 hours a week of linguistics. I've already taken almost 2 years of linguistics, phonetics and phonology. MOst of the courses I've taken have been in Spain, where they are hardcore about these subjects. So because our graduate student requires us to attend class I sit utterly bored in class. Also he's horrible at teaching the content, I think I could do a better job, not to mention that half the time he doesn't even know if he has it right or not. I mean come on now, if you teach the class please come prepared to lecture properly.

Yeah, I know a blog full of whiny/complaining remarks, but I just feel for being my senior year I feel rather bored with the majority of my courses, except of course my government ones. I definitely will be spending lots of long nights in the library this semester, big bummer! Lots of reading, not enough time to delve into everything as I would like to. Well I gotta run, have class in 10. Yay for a boring literature course! :P

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