Wednesday, September 17, 2008

El Grito de Dolores

Yeah, I did it again...once again, my mind is stuck on European elevator mode. Meaning that once again I have pressed Floor 1, instead of FLoor 2. When I really want to go to the 2nd floor, this just happens because in Europe floor 1 is really our floor 2. I cant seem to shake this habit off, but it happens every now and then. Of course I feel silly for doing this. Now I'm being extra cautious as I hit the buttons on the elevators. :)

A quick recap of this week's activities are due, since I've gotten behind on my blogs yet again!
Monday, September 15th
This was the day of Mexican Independence day or rather the reading of El Grito. For those of you who might not know what El Grito is, I'll explain. El Grito is the proclamation read out every 15th of September at midnight to proclaim war and initiate a revolt against the Spanish. As we all know the rest is history. : ) Yes very cliched, but I mean this is probably one of the few instances that I'll be able to use cliches. Hehe. On campus MEChA had the annual get together of Latino students to read El Grito and celebrate this battle. Lots of fun. Got to see a lot of new freshman on campus. One of which is from El Monte and graduated from MVHS this past spring. I'm glad and excited to be seeing more students from the El Monte area studying at Georgetown. Georgetown definitely needs more Latino students representing on campus.

Tuesday, September 16th
Not much going on, except the usual: class, work, class, more work.

Wednesday, September 17th
Long day as usual, class, class, class, work. Although I did grab some coffee after work with Ashley. We caught up a bit and just semi relaxed before continuing on with our studying/reading. Then I went to the MEChA meeting at 9. I'm determined to be a bit more involved this year since it is my last year. I figure what the heck, I really don't need sleep now do I? Hehe.

I must go off and finish my CPS reading and my literature reading. Hopefully study a bit for linguistics too.

Au revoir!

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