On October 11th was our Homecoming weekend, therefore that meant tailgating!!! This was my first tailgate here at Georgetown or anywhere as a matter of fact. I went with Cynthia and Ashley...oddly enough we waited roughly 45 minutes to enter the tailgate because we had previously bough our ticket. Wait, here's the irony.....the non-preregistered line was NON-EXISTENT!!! Yes, you read it, non-existent. Rather people who had not taken their time to buy their tickets before got in first. It was okay though we spent the time chatting away about our weeks and classes. I however was not able to drink on Saturday because I had forgotten my ID at home. *sigH* not like it really mattered because all they had was Budweiser which I don't like at all. The food at the tailgate was delicious!! The burgers were amazing and so were the desserts. They had yummy Georgetown "G" shaped cookies with dark blue frosting. GO HOYAS! :) We got a Georgetown "G" basketball pin (which proudly sits on display on my book bag). I can't wait for this year's bastketball season to start. We jumped in an infatable moon bouncer, which required way too much energy. I still don't understand how children bounce in those for a long period withou exhausting themselves, much less I can't recall how I used to do it. Hehe. Overall the tailgate was a good and fun experience. We also saw our football team. We may not have the best football team in the world but I'm still proud of being a Hoya. We were shocked to learn that the team is composed of about roughly 60 players, we thought only 20 were on the team. Goes to show you how often we keep ourselves informed of the team.
Tonight is Midnight Madness. Our annual enormous pep rally for the start of the basketball season. I've heard that they've started to hand out wristbands to gain a spot in the gym. I'm not quite sure if I'll get a wristband, because I'll be in class until 5 and they start handing them out at 6:30. I'm pretty sure people will be camped out since early today. Nonetheless I will try. I'm also planning on going to a few games this season.
I've come to realize that I don't want senior year to end. I need it to slow down or even be a 5th year. HEhe. I'm just having such a great time with my friends. Senior year is hectic, I'm probably doing way too much for my own good but I'm okay with it. I figure I'll sleep when I'm dead. : ) Senior year holds so many memories already, and it isn't even over yet. Still have half of this semester to make more memories and enjoy it. I plan on enjoying every second of it, even if it means not sleeping. I'll sleep on my flight home in December. Next month promises to hold many great adventures: 1) I'll be in upstate NY for a weekend for a conference, 2) Atlantic City trip with the girls, 3) Cirque du Soleil, 4) NYC for a weekend. :) I mean it can't get any better than that!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So yet again, I find myself having neglected my blog for the past couple of days. Actually probrably over a week or so. This semester is definitely picking up and I feel my fall semester of senior year zooming right over my head. Currently in the midst of taking my midterms, which translates into late nights at the library. This past Monday I was in the library until 3am studying for my international relations midterm. The midterm went well, so at least I feel like it did. The exam was straight foward and no trick questions, such as my Comparative political systems exam had. I've taken 3 out of 4 midterms. My final midterms is the last week of this month. I'll start studying for it soon since for that course we've read over 30 short stories already. Also, need to talk to my professor to figure out what the layout will be so I can prepare my notes in an exam format. That's usually how I study for my literature exams. After spending a year in Spain, I've learned how to structure my notes for exams so much better, especially for literature courses. I think because of this I've retained so much more and done better on exams.
Here I am in Tombs, once again its Wednesday, I love this day of the week. Not only does it mean that the week is half way over, but that I get my Tombs! The best part of Tombs is that it has Georgetown Cupcakes!! Yes, the best cupcakes east of the Mississippi River!!! SOOoooo yummy! Oh if I could, I'd have one every day, too bad they're like 3 dollars a cupcake.
OKay, I'm off to study and prepare a presentation. More will come soon, I promise!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
BCO Bake Sale

October means Halloween, lots of candy, midterms, but it also means Breast Cancer Awareness month.
So remember: Think Pink! Wear Pink!
Support the cause. I know I am. My East Coast Mom, Susan, is a BC survivor and I belong to BCO (Breast Cancer Outreach) Georgetown to help raise money for various clinics in the DC area. Yesterday we had our first bake sale and collaboration with GUGS (Georgetown University Grilling SOciety). We raised over $400 in under 5 hours! I mean it was an amazing bake sale! Had lots of fun baking with Ashley and the other BCO girls. It feels good to help others out with such a devastating illness. Also love the fact that since I own like ten million pink articles of clothing that is easy to wear pink almost every day. :)
On another note, I'm feeling better. So much better! Still have a nasty cough but a lot better than a week ago. Midterms start tomorros so more than likely I'll be spending the night and the next few nights in the library studying/writing/freaking out! :) But what can I do? That's the life of a college student.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lean back, tilt your head, chin up, now SMILE!
I really do not enjoy taking any sort of photograph much less a portrait one. Even one that's going down in history, quite literally into the Ye Doomesday Yearbook at GU. Always utterly awkward to have the photographer place in uber uncomfortable positions and then have him tell you to "Be happy!" "Think happy thoughts!" Ugh, the last thing I need is to be told to be happy. I mean I am happy, but don't force me to be happy. It's almost depressing. Can't wait to see my proofs and pick the one for the yearbook. Also, can't wait to have my mom add my college portrait up next to my older sister's portrait in the living room. It'll soon be a wall of college accomplishments. Then maybe add my degree on the wall too. That's the best part about graduation and waiting for my diploma. Our diplomas are HUGE! I'm not overstating enough at the size of this diploma. Its almost like a monstrosity of a diploma, but I guess after paying so much money for a degree I'd want it to be enormous.
Point being: Can't wait to get my degree and portrait :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Black Slugs & cafe au laits
As I walked home the other I came across a black slug. Momentarily I was grossed out by the fact that I almost stepped on a black slug. Then as I proceeded to continue walking I saw roughly three more. It made me think back to Spain and the time I traveled up to Asturias (a province in the north). I can clearly recall that the slug or slugs I saw in Asturias were amazing. Maybe it was the fact that I never seen a black slug in my life and that it contrasted perfectly against the bright green of the hills of Asturias, yet here in DC I see another black slug and I am repulsed by it. *sigh* The novelties in life and how they please you at first then one day they lose their appeal and attractiveness.
I'm nostalgic for a good cup of cafe con leche, or cafe au lait as its known in the States or Visto, something like that at Starbucks. I really want a nice short expresso with some skim milk. I mean I can get this here but its just not the same. Guess, I'm just in a whining and complaining mood about all the things that the States DOESNT have. hehe. :)
National Book Festival
On Saturday, September 27th was the National Book Festival on the National Mall. Ashley and I went to see what new books we could purchase, but to no avail we left empty handed. No, we didn't leave empty handed because we had no idea, but rather because the books were too few to select from. It was depressing to see that the Library of Congress (LOC) had only provided one tent of books, more like half a tent. The majority of the books for sale didn't interest any of us and not to mention the enormous line one had to wait in to pay for them. In all the day didn't go to waste because we did a Starbucks tea pit stop then resumed on our way over to Staples to purchase overpriced school supplies. A semi decent day, except for the fact that I was suffering a terrible virus invasion on my system. It wasn't the flu nor a cold, but the doctor said a virus had attacked my body, or so at least it felt that way. It ravaged my body and made
However, today (September 30th, or October 1st depending on where you live) I feel much better. Still tired and sleepy, but better. After spending Friday and Saturday and most of Sunday in bed asleep and miserable my body seems to have recovered and pretty much destroyed the virus that plundered my feeble body.
The only upside to have gone to the very disappointing National Book Festival was a cool poster and tote bag, of course they were free. : )
National Book Festival,
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