Saturday, January 17, 2009

The beginning...

I still can't grasp that this is Inauguration Weekend in DC. I never would have thought that I'd be a senior in college, living in DC and getting the opportunity to see the first Black president of the USA into office. The city is bustling with people from out of town eager to hear his speech and be involved in numerous Inauguration Weekend activities. I have participated in some of these activities. Last night Cynthia, Ashley, Ramses and myself got all decked out to go to the Inauguration Ball hosted by Georgetown. OKay, I know its not an official Ball, but what the heck. Its the closest thing I'll get to one. It actually was not bad at all. THe DJ was amazing! Lots of good music and dancing involved. Of course, being the seniors that we are we pre-gamed in Ramses' room and got the night going. We then proceeded to walk (take the safe rides shuttle down to Wisconsin) to get to Thirds. I believe Thirds has become my new favorite bar in Georgetown. Sorry Tombs, but their music and vibe is better. I mean I still love Tombs, but its more of a chill atmosphere. Frankly, I'm not always in the mode to just chill...I love to dance. Thirds gives me that option to dance my night away. And boy...I did dance myself away last night. At one point the DJ at Thirds played a few Pitbull songs back to back (if you know me, I love Pitbull) so of course I was more than happy. 

Tomorrow, a group of us are planning on walking down to the National Mall to wait hours in the freezing cold temperatures just to be part of a free concert. This is a concert that one cannot miss! Many talented artists will be there doing their thing and I want to see them. Also, it lets me add more people to my "Artists I have seen live" list.    :)

Then Tuesday, we are planning on going down to downtown DC to see the parade. I think after this weekend I'm going to become a popsicle. Hehe...but yes, I cannot wait to see what the rest of this crazy weekend has in store for us!

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