Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Tombs

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Martin's Tavern
Friday, September 19, 2008
Last night, Ash, Cynthia, Amelia and I went to Martin's for dinner and drinks. Carol then joined us later on. It was a good night. Sat around for about 3 hours talking and having a good time together. I love the burgers at Martin's. I still don't know which one is better: Tombs burger or Martin's. I also have a pomegranate mimosa, which was good! Must say it was a good combination of champagne and orange juice, or rather pomegranate. Needless to say I didn't get much work done last night. I felt tired and incapable of staying up to read. Its a good thing I had completed my major linguistics assignment Tuesday night and had also done most of the reading for my CPS course. Well, I'm off, still at work on my lunch. :)
As they say in Espanahh
Hasta luego!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Half way done
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
El Grito de Dolores
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday Night @ the Opera
Last night was a fun night out with the girls at the Opera. Target and the Nationals Baseball park were hosting a free showing of the opening night Opera at the Washington Opera House. We watched La Traviata, a very heartwarming tragedy of love in Paris. It was the first opera I had ever seen and I truly enjoyed it. Now I'm looking into potentially another opera in the near future. I had such a great time with Cynthia and Ashley. I'm so glad we all get along so great. It feels almost as if I have known these girls for my entire life, we just click so well together. Now we are planning on going to Atlantic City at the end of the month. That should be lots of fun. Senior year continues to be a blast although full of lots of school work. I can't wait to see how the semester progresses and see what other fun activities we'll be doing. well I'll write another blog in the next few days. Meanwhile, enjoy a few pictures from the Opera. Also I had my first taste of Ben's Chilli on Saturday night, but now my next goal is to visit this DC establishment that is soo well known for its chilli. There's this hilarious sign I saw at the stadium, I hope you find it just as funny as I did. : )
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Third Week
Today is a lovely day. It really is gorgeous. For once its not humid nor too hot, rather its warm, sunny and cool. Here I am sitting in Dalhgren Quad over by the Chapel and it's a soothing effect produce on the soul. Finally, I've gotten around to writing my first blog about my senior year. Its been chaotic these past two first weeks of school. So I'll try to post a blog every week or every 2-3 days. Senior year started off a bit rocky, because I didn't have all of my luggage with me and we had bad news to everyone on campus. A fello Hoya, Terrance Davis, was missing in South African waters for about a week. The authorities presumed him dead, but it wasn't confirmed until about 2 days ago. Its very heart renchign because I knew him, although I wasn't close to him, his presence on campus will be greatly missed. He was always a happy, positive and flamboyant boy. I'm truly blessed to have survived a year abroad with no serious mishaps to me. I still cant believe that he passed away and that our campus will be with one less Hoya. I ask for you and others to keep him and his family in your prayers. I would like the same done for myself if I was in his situation. I guess the only thing now is that he is resting in peace and probably continuing his happy ways up in Heaven.
Senior year is going by fast and hectic. This fall I'm taking six courses about 18 units which is a lot but I keep telling myself that it isn't so bad because most of my courses are lower division. This is what happens when you spend a year abroad and still have requirements to fulfill. My literature courses are easy, slightly boring but nonetheless I love them. I'm really happy that I went to USAL to study literature, I mean you cant beat a place like that in the first place. Yesterday was the study abroad fair and I went and helped for a bit, it was amazing talking about my experience to otehrs who wish to do the same. I personally believe that studying abroad is a living changing event and very good for your soul. I think I'd be the same if I hadn't gone aborad. I learned life skills that I would've never picked up in the States. I really do miss Spain and my Spanish life. Especially mis cafes con leches. The coffee culture there is so much better than here. Its also hard just being thrown into a stressful school environment again, especially after having a year of reading and learning at my own pace. I would love to go back to USAL to get my MA in literature but I think I'm ready to find the place to truly call my home and stay there for a while. I also want to be the kid who gets to move in and have her parents help her. I mean don't get me wrong DC is amazing and I love it, but I would love to have some help too. Well I'll talk about my study abroad experience in another blog .For now I'll stick to the start of senior year.
Last week on Friday was the start of Senior week, or more commonly known on campus as "Senior Dis-Orientation". I went to the keg party thrown by the school with Ashley and Cynthia. This was my first college keg party and it was okay. Not much but stand around and drink awful beer. I knew for what we pay to attend Georgetown youd think that we could at least get some decent beeer. Oh well, can' t complain about free alcohol though. I did have lots of fun with my friends, need to mention that the torrential downpour made it even better! : ) At the end of the night, even though we were wet, sweaty and hot it was worth it. Nothing is best like finishing off the night with a great slice of pizza from Phillys!