Monday, April 13, 2009

Job Interview #1

At approximately 11:08am I got that call. The call I had been waiting anxiously for all morning. My first over the phone interview for a serious, postgraduation job. Eeekk!!! I felt confident, but at the same time a bit nervous. I made sure to smile as I answered my phone, someone once told you that people can hear it over the phone if you're smiling or not. So I tried my best. I wore a simple, black collared dress with my white cardigan and black flats. Another previous supervisor had advised me to always dress to impress for phone interviews, because it changes the way you speak and feel. Boy, was she right!!! The interview lasted for about 35 minutes. Not too bad. 

Now I wait until next week for that email that will either bring joy and happiness to my life or make me sad and even stress out more that I don't have a job yet!!

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