I was just reading this blog, which is a great one, and I got inspired to do this awesome scarf for my mom. So I am going to order some supplies online and hopefully have it done and shipped off for Mother's Day. I almost feel like I have returned to my days in elementary school where you create things for your mami on Mother's Day, but as they say those are the best gifts.
I also have this awesome idea to make a sock monkey for my nephew. I just need to search for organic socks and stuffing as well, because my brother and his wife are all for organic with Benji. Actually now that I think about it, I will make him a pair of sock monkeys. Then they can keep each other company and be sock monkey bffs. :)
Also here is an adorable picture of my ever growing faster than ever nephew that I love as if he was my own child. Of course, he is indeed my "son" for the time being of course. I am living vicariously through my brother and his wife. My parents are definitely happy to be abuelitos and have the privilege of seeing Benji about 3 times a week.
So without further blabber from me, here's my little munchkin

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