Monday, December 15, 2008

I laugh way too much for my own good...

As I walked past Healy today at roughly 5pm, it dawned on me that this week is the last time I will ever see Healy Hall the way it is. I stopped momentarily in the walked to take a deep breath and ponder on this past semester. It makes me sad that I will soon be a second semester senior and in a blink of an eye everything will be over. I don't want it to be over. I mean I love Georgetown and the girls, but I also feel at times that I need to leave the Spanish Department and venture out to graduate school. Now I am at Saxby's drinking a medium roast coffee, which happens to be one of my favorites: Kona Blend. I just spent the last few minutes laughing quietly to myself. I'm pretty sure the people around me thought I was nuts or something to that extent. I just can't help but laugh at all the silly, dorky things my friends and I have done these past few weeks. I think lately I've been laughing way too much for my own good. It makes me feel really good and its as if there is no other care in the world. I think this last half of the semester I've really begun to enjoy senior year and stress less. I mean I still and will probably always stress out no matter what, but it is nice to not feel so stressed out. For example, tomorrow I have two finals that are within an hour of each other. I'm relatively stressed out only for IR, Spanish is easy. Just review my notes and readings and I'll be find for Spanish. Its just IR, ugh! I'm horrible at government courses. I'm so glad I'm just a minor and not a major! For IR, I will study and attempt to do my best, but at this point if I don't know it, no real sense in trying to cram. I can just continuously review and go through flash cards and become familiar with all the big topics that were discussed in lecture.

I'm sorta dreading going into class tomorrow to take the IR exam. I really don't know what to expect. Let's just hope luck is on my side.

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