Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its 5:15 am

Its 5:15 am and I'm still in the library. Sad, isnt it? DIdn't think I'd see this day come this whole semester. I've gotten to the point where my vision has started to blur a bit because its so late and I'm exhausted. At least I got my proposal done for my Spanish term paper. I also finished my linguistics assignment that was due at 3:15 Wednesday. I didn't turn it in. Turns out I have scarlet fever. Yes, I know, Scarlet fever. It sounds worse than it is. All scarlet fever is strep throat. So I have a strain of bacteria that causes strep throat. This strain releases exotoxins which apparently I am allergic to. This is in turns caused me to break out in massive body rash. My doctor explained to me that the rash itself is not contagious and only my strep is. So unless you kiss me you wont get what I have. I've been taking my antibiotics and predisone to help with everything and it has. I feel so much better now. I'll be done with my round of medicine on Saturday. I also have benadryl to help with the itchy and redness of my rash. Its just soooo embarrassing to have scarlet fever. I mean how do I get this? I mean I know I'm prone to get the weirdest illnesses but I never imagined I'd get this. My older brother was making fun of me and its said I wouldn't be allowed to hold his baby boy for fear of spreading my diseases. Sadly....more than true. i always either have a cold, or an infection of some sort. I blame this on Georgetown and the lack of no rest I get. Its tough to get the right amount of sleep, rest, and fun in with the environment here. 

Okay...its 5:30 i think its time I walked myself on over to my house in Burleith......Good morning! 

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