Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Separation anxiety

What do you do when you have spent almost every day with the same two people? I mean as in eat, drink, study, even sleep with those two people. What do you do when you have to be separated and go home?! Yes, I don't know what I'm going to do without Ash and Cyn over break. I guess I have to talk to my little sister.   :) 

But seriously......what am I going to do with myself!? I won't be able to text randomly about random stuff. *sigh* Winter break sucks. I think the longest we've been partially separated was Thanksgiving break. Man, I can just imagine how much time Ash and I will be spending together, seeing as I'll be living two floors beneath her. We've pretty much become inseparable this past semester, partially due to my absence junior year. 

Yes, I do have separation anxiety, but can you blame me? I mean I practically spend most of my free time with them. We eat together, drink together, grab coffee together, I usually crash on Ash's futon, etc....I mean how can you NOT have separation anxiety if you spend so much time with those two!?

Also, worried that I might not laugh so much, but then again that might be a good thing. Since every time I bust up laughing I get sidetracked and never go back to the original task at hand. But who knows, Mexico and time will tell all. 

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