Friday, May 8, 2009

Too little, too late

So I found the perfect song to express how I felt towards the end of my only serious relationship I've had. I normally do not post any references to this relationship, because I'm trying to not dwell on it and quite frankly, I'm ready to move on and be my own person.

Too Little Too Late - Jojo

Come with me, stay the night
You say the words but boy it dont feel right
What do ya expect me to say 
(You know it's just too little too late)
You take my hand, and you say you've changed
But boy you know your beggin' dont fool me
because to you it's just a game 
(You know it's just too little too late)

So let me go now
'Cause time has made me strong
I'm starting to move on
Im gonna say this now
Your chance has come and gone
And you know...

It's just too little too late
A little too long 
And I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say
(You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
So be real
It doesn't matter anyway
(You know it's just too little too late)

Yeah Yeah..It's just too little too late...Mhmmm

I was young, 
And in love
I gave you everything
But it wasn't good enough
And now you wanna communicate
(You know it's just too little too late)
Go find someone else
And lettin' you go
Im lovin' myself
You got a problem
But don't come askin' me for help
'Cause you know


It's just too little too late
A little too long
And I cant wait
But you know all the right things to say
(You know it's just too little too late)

I can love with all of my heart, baby
I know I have so much to give
(I have so much to give)
With a player like you
I don't have a prayer
That's the way to live
Ohhhh...mmm noo
It's just too little too late


It's just too little too late [x2]


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What it means to be punk

I think now I understand or rather have realized what it means to truly be Punk in our modern day society. According to Mr. Greg Graffin's "Punk Manifesto" a punk walks the thin line between social conformity and denouncing their social development. For my Catholic Imagination course we have to write a one page analysis of the human imagination as such. For this portion of the final I have chosen to write it from the Punk Imagination. Now I truly understand what Mr. Graffin has been getting at in his essay and what it means to be punk and how I AM PUNK. After almost 4 years of my undergraduate courses at Georgetown I have learned to walk that fine academic line of what my ideals/beliefs/thoughts are and how to utilize them in my courses to get my discourse across to my professors. 

So then does this realization complete my ideological process over to being a full punk????

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sock Monkeys, Scarves....?

As I sit here at Saxby's, what has almost become a morning ritual for me: grab a latte, sit read the paper, review for classes for the day, work on assignments and read what I didn't get a chance to the night before; I want to really craft all day and have all these lovely ideas.

I was just reading this blog, which is a great one, and I got inspired to do this awesome scarf for my mom. So I am going to order some supplies online and hopefully have it done and shipped off for Mother's Day. I almost feel like I have returned to my days in elementary school where you create things for your mami on Mother's Day, but as they say those are the best gifts. 

I also have this awesome idea to make a sock monkey for my nephew. I just need to search for organic socks and stuffing as well, because my brother and his wife are all for organic with Benji. Actually now that I think about it, I will make him a pair of sock monkeys. Then they can keep each other company and be sock monkey bffs. :)

Also here is an adorable picture of my ever growing faster than ever nephew that I love as if he was my own child. Of course, he is indeed my "son" for the time being of course. I am living vicariously through my brother and his wife. My parents are definitely happy to be abuelitos and have the privilege of seeing Benji about 3 times a week. 
So without further blabber from me, here's my little munchkin

One week and one day

Here I sit, one week and one day later still patiently waiting to hear back about my fate for this summer and the rest of my life. I know the interviewer said I would get an email sometime early this week. I don't like that sometime early this week can mean a wide range of things. I really do hope I get this job offer. To able to teach would be a gift in itself. Nothing I believe is more rewarding than teaching. I guess, I'll have to continue to wait anxiously to hear back from them.

Also, I bought my plane ticket back to LA. Its the final one it all comes down to May 20th!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Job Interview #1

At approximately 11:08am I got that call. The call I had been waiting anxiously for all morning. My first over the phone interview for a serious, postgraduation job. Eeekk!!! I felt confident, but at the same time a bit nervous. I made sure to smile as I answered my phone, someone once told you that people can hear it over the phone if you're smiling or not. So I tried my best. I wore a simple, black collared dress with my white cardigan and black flats. Another previous supervisor had advised me to always dress to impress for phone interviews, because it changes the way you speak and feel. Boy, was she right!!! The interview lasted for about 35 minutes. Not too bad. 

Now I wait until next week for that email that will either bring joy and happiness to my life or make me sad and even stress out more that I don't have a job yet!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


A few days ago, as I sat at Saxby's studying I looked outside and there standing was a lady with her Dalmatian. The Dalmatian reminded me of my nana's dog, Suki. Suki and I practically grew together, or rather I grew up alongside her. As far back as I can remember she was always there by my side. Nana always mentions the close knit relationship she and I shared, the dog that is. Tata would punish Suki for something she had done or wasn't supposed to do. Then apparently I would say, "No le pegues a mi 'mana Suki." Rough translation: "Don't hit my sister Suki." Of course at the age of 3 any child would believe that a dog could be her sister. She and I did have a special bond. I also remember when I would go visit Nana Suki was allowed inside. She was an outside dog, strictly an outside dog, but whenever I went over the rules were off. 
Suki would rest her head on my lap as I petted her. She wouldn't ever leave my side when I was over. It was a sad dog when Nana had to tell me that she had to be put to sleep. :( She and I had a very close bond, and she was the coolest Dalmation I had ever met in my life. I think if I ever get my own dog, it'll be named Suki II, or have that as her middle name. In honor of her.

This deserves a blog!!!

I just got my first interview for Yes Prep Schools in Houston, TX. 
I was starting to worry that my job applications had gone unrecognized. This makes me feel a lot better!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Leopards & Lions in the Masai Community

After a discussion earlier today, in which I shared my interpretation of a leopard to Professor Pfordresher he realized that I had constructed an interesting antithesis. Now I also realize that both creatures are majestic and are almost mirror images of human nature. In the book Rediscovering Christianity, the Masai Tribe of Tanzania believe the Lion is God. People have inherent characteristics that make them good, however is it the desires of a person that determine whether a person will exercise gluttony, lust or restraint. The leopard can kill just for the sake of killing. Same can be said of a person. Sometimes there is not a really explanation or a logical one for why a person acts a certain way or commits certain acts, other than the person takes great pleasure from it. The Leopard that attacked and plagued the Masai Tribe did not have the necessity to feed every night, but the thrill of the hunt and chase of the herds facilitated its desire for the lustful sinning. Same can be said of many human activities. 
A person can be just like the Lion: bold, shows restraint and regal in the way they carry themselves. I believe that every person has a bit of the Lion and the Leopard in them, essentially it all depends on said person to choose which one to encompass. However, I also believe that a person can have a bit of the leopard in them while maintaining a consistent foundation that IS the lion. And of course, vice versa. 
As I write this, I'm not quite sure what my ultimate purpose is in writing this blog, other than the animals in our world remind me our human traits and our essential primitive beings. Something that we often forget we are. We are all animals with certain innate characteristics that cause us to act in certain ways, regardless if we truly desire to do them or not. Of course, every human being can rationalize and determine for himself or herself what to do. What is morally correct and what is not. The fact that human beings have the capacity to rationalize separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom and places us higher in the animal kingdom. 

Rediscovering Christianity

The previous week in my theology course "Catholic Imagination" we read the book Rediscovering Christianity by Father Donovan. In this book, Father Donovan delves into the problematic process of evangelizing and converting a pagan culture to Christianity. In this book, I saw many resemblances to my own cultural background: the indigenous communities of the Americas. By Americas I mean, the countries from the Mexico-US border down south to the Southern Cone. I began to realize the difficulties in absorbing the other culture that one is not familiar with. To begin with it is difficult to understand an unknown culture, even more so if you are the person trying to convince them to leave their "pagan" ways and convert to Christianity. It also made me realize how the Gospel is not just simply a written text to be understood as a written work, but rather as an ever changing, evolving and fluid part of our oral traditions. The fact that the Gospel can be molded to every culture in our world is an amazing feat. God truly did create the Gospels to be for everyone.

I am not saying that missionaries who set off to evangelize peoples of pagan traditions is correct, although I believe its a beneficial mission for the  missionaries themselves. It truly allows for them to understand and "realize" what the Gospel truly means and how it will be disseminated. Evangelization has been a very polemic topic across the ages for many. Especially during the every colonization periods where the conquistadores from Europe forcefully converted the indigenous peoples of the Americas. However, as time has gone by the message of the Gospels has permeated more to the missionaries themselves than the converts themselves. It is also important to remember that evangelization is only effective when it occurs as a community, because the indigenous communities of the world act communally and not individually the way the Western world does. Everyone in the community is individual and unique yet at the same time they all serve a function, a purpose in their community. For example, our laptops work in great sync with its hardware and software. Take away the keyboard and your laptop ceases to function correctly and it becomes harder to use it fully and its extent. 

This is what, Father Donovan learned, well one of the many things he learned through his missionary work with the Masai Tribe in Tanzania. Community is essential to the evangelization process and it works when everyone works together. This is where the missionaries in the late 1700s in the Americas failed. They believed that by evangelizing a single person they were doing great things, however they were failing rather than succeeding. A single person cannot practice the Gospel effectively because a congregation is needed to incorporate all aspects of the Gospel. 

The two key things to the Gospel I believe after reading the book are: importance of community and the adaptability and elasticity that the Gospels have make them ever lasting and truly God's word.


The other day my sister happened to call me and to asked me if I had seen the film Taken. I replied no, then inquired what it was about. A brief synopsis is a pair of girls go to Paris on a trip and are kidnapped, forced in the sex slave trade. My sister then expressed that she was very concerned for my safety while I was abroad in Spain. I spent September 2007 to June 2008 living, studying, working and traveling. I lived in Salamanca, Spain, on school holidays I would often go out of the country and visit the usual: Paris, London, Rome, etc and the not so common: Stockholm, Budapest, Geneve, etc. The only person who really knew my whereabouts as I traveled was my sister. She knew where I was staying, my flight information, what my plan was for the day, etc. I also made sure to call and email every day, especially at night, to let her know I got in okay. 

I mean it came across my mind a few times the danger that a lone woman traveling in Europe could mean. I really did try to be as 'native' as possible, so no one could tell I was a foreigner. I believe it worked pretty well. When I was in Berlin, Budapest and Paris many people thought I was a native and would come up to me asking me information regarding a train or another issue. I would always shake my head and reply, "No, I'm sorry, I don't speak (insert language here)." More than often they would reply back in English, "Oh, you looked like you knew very well what you were doing." SUCCESS! That was my goal while I lived in Europe: to be like a native. 

Now as I reflect on my experiences I realized the amount of danger I had put myself in. I also felt like my mother had prepared enough as I was growing up to know how to identify potentially dangerous situations and how to be discreet in removing myself from harm. For example, when I was in Paris, just outside the Louvre a man approached me and began speaking to me in French. After I said, "Je ne parle pas françis." He began to introduce himself and ask me out to dinner. The first thought in my head was, "Oh no.....I need to get out of this, fast!" So I politely declined and said I had to meet some friends inside, so I walked back into the Louvre. I figured if anything happened I could always scream "HELP!" and I would be helped by someone. After a few minutes, I proceeded to get on the metro and head back to my hostel. 

As I backpacked and traveled in Europe I never really considered that this could be in fact dangerous or that I was a woman traveling by myself. A few weeks ago I had an amazing conversation with Professor Pfordersher, my theology professor, and he said I was "a very strong woman." I had never really thought of myself as being a "strong woman." I always thought I did what I felt was correct and would be best for me. Maybe backpacking solo, despite its flaws, was the best thing I could have done for myself in Europe. It thought me to be truly independent, how to plan, how to strategize, hone on my "street smart" skills and apply the advice my mom had always given me. It also made me realize just how important everything my mother had told was. 

**A bit off topic, but this made me "realize" what we have been learning in my theology course. I just built a "bridge" of true understanding and knowledge to the advice my mother had given me. I never really "understood" its full meaning as it was just being taken in my conscious, but it wasn't until I traveled and was left to my own device that it all made sense.**

Point of blog: I managed to make it back into the US safe and sound with no missing body parts and no traumatic experience. Also, I had an experience of a lifetime!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Catholic Imagination

I imagine Him as being an athletic man, with strong facial features, hair color similar to mine and a powerful body. I imagine Him as physically representing all the wrath that He will bring upon me if  I do not obey the Bible. I imagine Jesus as a Mexican, as a Hispanic, as a Latino. Of course, all of this is predetermined by the social factors that I interact with every day and past experiences.

So then, what is the danger/merit of my imagination regarding Jesus?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lost myself?

I have always known that the person you go into college is not the same one that will walk out at the end. Yet now as I near the end, I feel myself no where near where I once started. I feel like I lost part of myself by coming out to Georgetown. I wonder where I left behind my punk music and all the things that I used to love doing? I know that I am maturing and changing, but sometimes I wonder if this change is even good change?! Maybe all I want is just to be able to go to a show in Hollywood, go into that pit and not worry about anything else. The last time I even had a blast at a show as in Madrid when I saw Bad Religion. I feel like I have lost myself. The other day I finally bought a pair of Chucks.....I can't remember the last time I bought a pair of Chucks?! Or even wore Vans....I definitely traded my comfy old Vans for sometimes an uncomfy pair of flats or heels. Yes, i do enjoy wearing flats and heels, I just don't know how I got to the point where I no longer thought of punk music. Now I find myself thinking about the current music trends, which by the way aren't that great....yet I still love them. Maybe if I go back home to LA all will go back to the way it was. Or maybe some of it will at least. 

Lately I just haven't been feeling like myself. Its frustrating and making me upset.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Life after college

I think I'm not going to TFA, but instead get my MA in Curriculum and Urban Teaching. After reading Dr. Porterfield's binder filled with personal accounts of past TFA teachers it has really opened my eyes up. So I am applying for CSULA's MA for Fall of 2009. And I gotta take the GREs and the CBEST. So I gotta get cracking on those two exams!

More to come...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Little party, big SURPRISE!

Last night I spoke with my older brother. My nephew was born almost a month ago. My mother has been wanting to have a "Welcome home baby" party. Since I am going home for a few days in March my brother thought it would be a good idea to also do the party then. So he is in charge of somehow convincing my mother to wait until then to have the party. What a surprise my parents and younger siblings will get. Only my older siblings and my besties know that I will be going home for break. :) So my mother will think that she is having a small get together for the family, but in reality she' going to get an even bigger treat. I can't wait to go home. My brother said he is also going to get a few days off that weekend so that we can hang out and stuff. I really can't remember the last time I spent good, quality time with my older brother. This in reality translates to spending ridiculous amounts of time in West Hollywood or WestHo as I have claimed it. :) And I get to buy more records!!! Woot! And eat Cantor's! Babysit Benji! Eat mami's food! and more than likely gain a few pounds. 


I'm going back to Cali, Cali....

Sunday, February 8, 2009


GALA was amazing on Friday! I have never danced to Latin music for so long as I did on Friday. I also learned how to dance to bachata and I lOVEEEE it!!!! Lots of good memories with some of my closest friends. 

The Step Show was amazing on Saturday night! I must say that I had an amazing time with the Lambda Pi Chis. I really felt like I fit in for a few hours. It was great to see how much effort and time all the frats and sororities put into their performances. I have a meeting Wednesday which should be fun because I also have Vagimon rehearsal that night. 

I just need to get through this Sunday and I'll be good with everything I am doing. I'm probably doing way too much at once, but I mean its my last year I gotta try to get everything in. 

I really don't have much to say right now. Other than I'm enjoying my senior year. I think now I understand what my mother meant by me not having a "serious" bf. Although sometimes I think about it and I'd like to have a serious boyfriend. But more so someone that I can truly see myself marrying one day and starting a family. Maybe its because some of my closest friends are engaged and soon to be wed. Maybe its because I'm growing up and my internal clock is telling me its time to somehow settle down.  OR maybe its just because I enjoy the company that goes with being a relationship, although if you are with the person you can connect with it is great company. I must say that I'm still a bit bummed out about how things ended with Mr. H. We definitely connected on so many levels. We had such a great time just hanging out with each other and swapping anecdotes and stories. I also cant really remember the last time I felt so happy and carefree like that. I honestly think he brought out the best in me, despite my flaws. And despite his flaws I still like him. I mean I'm not perfect and he isn't either. But this isnt something I should dwell on. 

I am very happy at where I am in life. IT is a wonderful thing to be a senior~ I love my girls, my family and professors. They truly make my experience something else. I thank God for blessing me and giving me the opportunity to receive an excellent education and more so for guiding me the right way. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Academic Standards

Throughout my academic career at Georgetown I have often stopped to think about how my transcript looks. IT is such a mess. There is no real consistency in any of my grades, except for my writing courses and Spanish courses. I know that GPA is such a determining factor in many things after college, but I just don't care enough to be successful on having a high GPA. Many have told me that GPA is not the end of the world. Maybe I just feel like I have failed in college because I have not been so "successful" academically as I had been in high school. I just feel like being in college has taught me more than classes have. I mean I love to learn and sometimes I just wish I could just learn for the sake of learning vs. taking a course to fulfill a requirement or to get that 'A'. Maybe one day our system won't be so broken and students won't be measured on a scale that is inaccurately and doesn't measure personal growth or intellectual growth. By intellectual growth I mean real ideas, not just regurgitation of information and no mental stimulation whatsoever. Or maybe I'm just bitter that I suck at school and clearly cannot get the grades. Although I feel like I would excel in the real world as a person who can think for herself and analyze the world around her, not just a student who knows how to memorize information one day and then forget it the next. I'm not quite sure what direction I am taking with this blog but maybe I'll make sense of it some more after a bit more reflection. 

I think this is it for now. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Highlights thus far

Some of my highlights of second semester senior year

1. Spending 30+ hours out in the cold with Ash to see Obama
2. Mr. Yogato's hot chocolate
3. Dancing on the stage at Thirds
4. Ice Skating at Sculpture Garden
5. Hugging the toilet after a night of good times with my friends.
6. Realizing that I am more confident than I ever thought I was.
7. Dinner at 1789 with my besties.

more to come soon!

An unusual Tuesday

1. Woke up at 6am to be at Sousa Middle School at 8am.
2. "Taught" for about 20 minutes.
3. Realized the importance of TFA even more in urban schools.
4. Stepped into the reality of metal detectors at a middle school.
5. Watched Orpheus Negro amazing Brazilian movie
6. Read half of about 3 books
7. In LAU at 12:45 am

Monday, February 2, 2009

40 minutes later...

On Super Bowl Sunday Ash and I went up to Sara's to eat some chili and watch the game. At about 6:30 Sara sent us on a wine run. This was Ash's second time going out for wine. We went to the first place she had purchased wine at and it was already closed. We then proceed to go to Trader Joe's to only discover that they didn't sell wine or alcohol. As we drove up Wisconsin Ave. we found a beer & wine place. We picked out two reds and two whites. Only to discover as we at the cash register that we couldn't purchase the bottles because Ash was using Sara's card. We left upset after a 5 minute mini argument with the clerk. Then we found another wine place a few blocks over on Woodmont and Cordell. Finally we were able to purchase wine. Only after finding out that the employee would not sell us alcohol because I did not have my ID. Apparently he thought that Ash was buying me the wine!!!! Luckily John (one of Sara's friends showed up), but it didnt make much of a difference because Ash was able to purchase the wine. So after a 4o minute ordeal we finally make it back to Sara's with the bottles of wine and get to eat Sara's yummy chili!

Moral of the story: I'm never going to go buy wine with Ash without taking my ID, because I apparently do not look 21. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Drunken confessionals

The other night I went out with a few friends for drinks at the usual spot: Mr. Smiths. I had no intention whatsoever to get hammered that night, yet somehow I ended up hugging the toilet at the end of the night. You know that moment of "Ahhh crap! I shouldn't of had all those drinks." We ended the night at Tombs, where as usual you run into about half the senior class. That can often lead to deadly consequences because you have more people you know, therefore more potential drinking partners. I believe that now it has become more of a tradition to get kicked out of Tombs because they are closed. Hehe...I mean they wouldn't have that problem if they'd keep the bar open longer. :) Sadly, I know that this can never happen here in the US. I wound up drinking like crazy with an old friend I had run into at Tombs. Let's just say I chugged too many beers and drinks in less than 20 minutes. As we walked to campus drunk off our tooshes I began to realize how icy the sidewalks were. I stand by the fact that I walk more cautiously when I'm intoxicated than sober. She ended up crashing at my place because she couldn't walk over to her place. I then proceed to feel really sick and hug the toilet. Actually I think I felt sick for the realization of some things that shared and exchanged that night. I cannot say what it is, but let's just say that some things are never meant to be shared. As she sat next to me on the bathroom floor to make sure I'd live we continued our conversation. I confessed some things to her and as did she. The morning after I was like "OMG, we had drunken confessionals!" Now this where my idea comes from. I will be starting a blog in the next week or so called Drunken Confessionals. Where people can anonymously post stories that they are ashamed or embarrassed to tell anyone else. However, it must be something that happened while you were drunk or intoxicated. Sort of like Post-Secret but more risque. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lambda Pi Chi

I have always wanted to pledge a sorority. No, not one in which all you do is party, but one where you network and continue to grow and understand yourself and others around you. I think I have found that sorority. Although I am a senior I can still pledge. I will pledge Lambda Pi Chi, Epsilon Chapter: American & Georgetown Universities. I'm planning on pledging for the Graduate/Professional Chapter of Washington, DC. I'm very excited to start the process. Next meeting is in two weeks, or next week if I can make it out to AU. I will probably being doing too much this semester to even feasible be alive at the end of it all, but I'm willing to sacrifice a few things: ie. sleep, Tombs, and more sleep. It just means I have to be more focused and determined to get it all accomplished, which of course I will. 


Monday, January 26, 2009

T-minus 4 months...

As I sit here on my bed working on a shooting script for what would be 'My Georgetown' documentary for my Catholic Imagination course, I begin to ponder what will I do when I graduate? The other night as I was out with my girls we realized that we have less than 4 months of our senior year of college. January is almost over and it has flown by. At first it was progressing slowly, perhaps because classes hadn't picked up yet. Now, I wish it was back to being slow so I can take in everything that I love about Georgetown. Frankly, its not going to be any slower. I have decided to be a tutor for the Kids 2 College program over in NE DC. That will make my Tuesdays and Thursdays super busy, from 8am to 8pm. I won't have much time to take a breath and rest, thus making my days go by too fast. However, I also wouldn't have it any other way. I'm looking forward to this program and being a tutor for a group of 6th graders. I think that I might be going to graduate school to get my masters in education, rather than Spanish literature. As much as I love Spanish literature I think education calls out more to me. I want to make that difference in that students life, even if they don't see it at first.

I'm not quite sure I'm ready to graduate just yet. I think I'm torn apart between wanting to stay and being ready to be grown. I guess its going to be a bittersweet separation. I hope that my younger siblings will one day experience this bittersweet emotion of being a senior in college. 

As I reflect back on my decision to attend Georgetown versus UCLA, I think I understand it more now than before. As a high school student my top choice was the University of Southern California (USC). I wanted to study marine biology and go on to get my PhD in marine biology, however that quickly faded when I was rejected from USC. Then I had many options of staying in state or going out. I decided that it was either "USC or bust." Clearly, bust meant Georgetown, even though I hadn't put much effort into my admissions application. They say that everything in life happens for a reason. I didn't quite understand why I had been admitted to Georgetown and not USC, I mean Georgetown is ranked higher than USC. Therefore, harder to gain admission. After a brief grieving period for being rejected, I embraced the fact that I was going to be a Hoya. My parents were happy for me, after all they had seen how hard I worked in high school to go to college. 

Being a freshman, away from home, about 3000 miles was tough at first. Also, I was in a long distance relationship, which didn't always make me feel good about myself. I often had thoughts of transferring to a school back in Cali. In the end I decided not to; mostly because I'm not a quitter and in the face of a challenge, I always overcome it. I still didn't quite comprehend how I ended up at Georgetown. Sophomore year came and went. Susan (my east coast mom said I grew up the summer between sophomore and freshman year) kept me on my toes at work, she always made sure I was taking care of myself. I began to get closer with my girls and start to enjoy the college life. It was during this year that I decided I needed an escape and a break from life AKA I decided to go abroad. Junior year was an amazing year! I spent it living, working and studying in Salamanca, Spain. [That year along with this year are tied for being the two best years of my life so far!] 

Throughout these three years I volunteered with DC Reads and DC Schools Projects to teach ESL. I think it was through these programs that I began to see a potential in education and my interest was sparked. When I was abroad I worked and taught English at an elementary school. Something that I enjoyed a lot. Now I find myself as a senior with the daunting task of deciding whether or not I want to work or go to graduate school. I think I want to go to graduate school and get my MA in education. Maybe this is why I was meant to attend Georgetown and not UCLA or USC. I believe that it was written in the stars for me to become a teacher and help others around me realize their full potential. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inauguration Weekend '09

Inauguration weekend has came and left the District of Colombia. I never in life seen so many people at one place gathered together to celebrate the beginning many AMericans have anxiously awaited for many years. I am proud to be an AMerican citizen. I am also proud to call myself a democrat that voted for change, that voted for history to be made. I also have never felt the urge to truly cry in joy and rejoice in this wonderful nation. I have many a times doubted my national pride in the US, but now more than ever I have realized that perhaps it was worth it to have been in doubt for so long. It will make me appreciate more than ever how lucky we are to have sworn in the first Black president of the United States. Now the next step is to get a woman elected as president. I see that in the distant future. Nothing is impossible in life, we just need to keep on trekking through the hardships so that when we do accomplish our goals in life we appreciate them more. 

Here's a quick recap of Inauguration weekend activities:
Ashley, Cynthia, Ramses and I went to a "ball" in Leo's. Sure it may not have been an actual ball, but we couldn't afford the $500 a ticket balls. We still had an amazing time. WE then proceeded to keep the night going by heading over to Thirds to dance and have a few shots. And of course you just can't go home after without having a slice of Philly P's Pizza. We concluded the night in my room eating and the girls crashing on my bed. 

I really can't recall what we did, except that we had a few bottles of wine.

Ashley and I walked to the National Mall to grab a spot to be at the Inauguration Concert. It was amazing!!! The whole Mall was full, but not to capacity. Nonetheless it was an experience!!!
We had dinner at 1789. Then we had drinks at Tombs. THe dinner was fabulous! That's actually an understatement, but the food was great! I had oxtail soup, hanger steak and tried/ate some of Ash's escargot. And wouldnt you know it, but the escargot was delicious!!

We had dinner and a couple of pitchers at Tombs then proceeded to spend 15 hours in the freezing cold to secure a spot on the parade route. Well worth it!

We spent the whole day waiting on Pennsylvania Ave for the parade that started I believe an hour and a half late!! We met lots of people from Atlanta, Minnesota just to name a few. It was a great weekend. Took way too many pictures, but its okay. Just more to share with my progeny. To show them how I was there to help make history and hopefully change for the best in our nation.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Benji has stolen my corazón

This past week my nephew Benjamin was born. I am very happy for my brother and his wife. Benjamin has been  a blessing in our family. I know my parents are very happy to have a grandchild in their lives. So I have decided to post some more pictures up of him. He's such a cutie and a total sweetheart. I'm just a bit sad that I wont get to see him in person until graduation. Unless I go home for Easter break, but I'm not sure if I will be going home then. Meanwhile, I will be doing video chats with my brother to see the baby grow and get bigger. I can't wait for Benji to be 1 so I can play with him and take him to the zoo and aquarium. : ) 

The beginning...

I still can't grasp that this is Inauguration Weekend in DC. I never would have thought that I'd be a senior in college, living in DC and getting the opportunity to see the first Black president of the USA into office. The city is bustling with people from out of town eager to hear his speech and be involved in numerous Inauguration Weekend activities. I have participated in some of these activities. Last night Cynthia, Ashley, Ramses and myself got all decked out to go to the Inauguration Ball hosted by Georgetown. OKay, I know its not an official Ball, but what the heck. Its the closest thing I'll get to one. It actually was not bad at all. THe DJ was amazing! Lots of good music and dancing involved. Of course, being the seniors that we are we pre-gamed in Ramses' room and got the night going. We then proceeded to walk (take the safe rides shuttle down to Wisconsin) to get to Thirds. I believe Thirds has become my new favorite bar in Georgetown. Sorry Tombs, but their music and vibe is better. I mean I still love Tombs, but its more of a chill atmosphere. Frankly, I'm not always in the mode to just chill...I love to dance. Thirds gives me that option to dance my night away. And boy...I did dance myself away last night. At one point the DJ at Thirds played a few Pitbull songs back to back (if you know me, I love Pitbull) so of course I was more than happy. 

Tomorrow, a group of us are planning on walking down to the National Mall to wait hours in the freezing cold temperatures just to be part of a free concert. This is a concert that one cannot miss! Many talented artists will be there doing their thing and I want to see them. Also, it lets me add more people to my "Artists I have seen live" list.    :)

Then Tuesday, we are planning on going down to downtown DC to see the parade. I think after this weekend I'm going to become a popsicle. Hehe...but yes, I cannot wait to see what the rest of this crazy weekend has in store for us!

Friday, January 16, 2009

City of Angels

So they say that one always misses the last place they were I find myself longing for home more than ever. I mean, don't get me wrong, I miss L.A. all the time. However, now I find myself longing for the yummy deli sandwiches at Cantor's or the pizza at Albano's...and yes even the food off the lunch truck. I can't really explain this sudden longing for L.A. I mean I have always missed LA since we moved out to the SGV a few years ago. I still stand by what I have always said: "I was born and raise in LA." Everything that I love is in LA. The museums, the art, the culture, the food, the people!!! Maybe its the fact that at this point I'm not quite sure when I'll be back in the city. I'd love to stay here in DC after graduation, or even go work aboard. So with that being said...there's a certain uncertainty with where in the world I will end up.

Wait...let me clarify...I do not miss home as in El Monte home, but home as in the town I grew up and lived in...the City of Angels...that is the home I am longing for and missing. *sigh* Perhaps I will need to fill in that void with a bit of DC in life...

Catching up

Lately a lot has happened, from the start of my last semester of college to the birth of my first nephew, a lot more has happened than just that. I'm not quite sure what I will be writing these next few weeks, but I think I'll be needing some time to process everything and put it down on paper. So I might not be blogging for a while...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am a Tee-tee

Finally.....after 9 months and a week my nephew Benjamin Estrada was born.

I'm sooo ecstatic and a very happy auntie. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tombs 09

So it begins, the last semester of my undergrad career as I know it! *sigh* I don't want this semester to fly by me, yet I know that it will. Last night must've been one of THE BEST nights at Tombs. Ash, Cyn, Ramses and I all went down to celebrate us all being back together and hoorray to drinking! (Also, who knew that not drinking for 2 weeks will kill you tolerance level.) We had a couple of pitchers of beer, I think 3...not sure, and a few shots. I'm not even sure where a lemondrop shot came from, but there was definitely no lemon in that shot...straight vodka! Yuck!
Despite the yucky weather we had an amazing time and just laughed, sang and 
talked the night away, pretty much got kicked out of Tombs...again. I don't even know who many times I've been told you gotta leave, we're closed. We proceeded to go to Philly P's which was a mission as it was pouring, we had two um
brellas and feeling pretty tipsy. We walked to the new Philly P's which was closed! But the nice Asian lady gave us pizza anyways. WE then realized on our way back to campus that the old Philly Ps was still open. Ugh! This is what happens when you are tipsy. hehe, silly us.

Had an amazing time with two of my besties and a fellow Scholar. I can't wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store for us!


Sunday, January 4, 2009


I have been MIA for these past couple of days since my return from Mexico. I feel as if I have hit another wall in my own development as a human being. I'm going back to school tomorrow because I can't take being at home with my mom. We have our ups and downs. I know I cannot keep running away from her, but being next to her is often grueling and very hurtful. Its funny, I know I should speak up and say how I feel but its hard. I know I have often done this: not said anything when I should have for fear of hurting what the other person might feel. This was often the problem in my only serious relationship that I have had in my life. Granted, I am still young but I've never really been one to be a serial dater either. Even now I know I need to correct my ways and speak up more, I really am trying. Its just hard when all your life you've always been told to suppress what is going to potentially hurt someone else or even not say anything for fear of the consequences. So much is going through my head right now its amazing. I have like ten million things going on at once its amazing that I don't explode at times. I just need to clear my head and I'm not sure what else I need to do. I just need to graduate and get my life together, maybe then a lot of things will begin to make sense. Or maybe I need to just finish and come home to knock some sense into my life of living out of a suitcase. I'm not quite sure what I need anymore...ugh this whole being at a crossroads thing is really starting to irritate me.